Lifestyle Interventions for Reducing Obesity Risk Among Adolescents in Saudi Arabia


  • Abdan Mohammed Almnsour (1), Thamer Saeed Mohammed Al Sulayyim (1), Maed Ali Saud Al Saleem (1), Nasser Saeed Mohammad Al Sulayylm (2), Hayan Mohammed Ali Alyami (1), Dhafer Mansour M Al Salem (3), Hassan Nasser Sh Alzabadeen (4), Jufaysh Saleh Ghanem Al Jufaysh (5)


Obesity, Adolescents, Saudi Arabia, Lifestyle Interventions, Public Health



The escalating prevalence of obesity among adolescents in Saudi Arabia presents a significant public health challenge, mirroring global trends. With rates of obesity and overweight alarmingly high, there is an urgent need for effective interventions. This systematic review aimed to assess the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions in reducing obesity risk among Saudi Arabian adolescents.


A comprehensive search strategy was employed across major databases including PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library, focusing on studies published in English and Arabic. The review included only interventional studies, such as randomized controlled trials and quasi-experimental studies, that targeted adolescents aged 12-18 years. The inclusion criteria were designed to capture studies evaluating dietary, physical activity, and behavioral interventions. The primary outcomes of interest were changes in Body Mass Index (BMI), weight, and obesity-related health behaviors.


A total of 11 studies were included in the review, demonstrating a range of effectiveness in lifestyle interventions with risk ratios for obesity reduction varying from 0.80 to 0.90. Interventions combining dietary education, physical activity, and behavioral changes were most effective, with some studies reporting a significant reduction in BMI and obesity prevalence among participants. The review found that combined interventions led to an average risk ratio for obesity reduction of 0.82, indicating a substantial impact on the adolescent population.


The findings from this systematic review suggest that lifestyle interventions, particularly those incorporating multiple components such as dietary changes, increased physical activity, and behavioral modifications, are effective in reducing the risk of obesity among adolescents in Saudi Arabia. These interventions offer promising strategies for public health initiatives aimed at curbing the obesity epidemic in this vulnerable population. However, the review also highlights the need for culturally tailored approaches and emphasizes the importance of sustained intervention efforts and long-term studies to assess their effectiveness over time.

Author Biography

Abdan Mohammed Almnsour (1), Thamer Saeed Mohammed Al Sulayyim (1), Maed Ali Saud Al Saleem (1), Nasser Saeed Mohammad Al Sulayylm (2), Hayan Mohammed Ali Alyami (1), Dhafer Mansour M Al Salem (3), Hassan Nasser Sh Alzabadeen (4), Jufaysh Saleh Ghanem Al Jufaysh (5)

1. Specialist - Sociology, Khabash, Najran, Saudi Arabia.
2. Specialist - Sociology, Thar Hospital, Najran, Saudi Arabia.
3. Health Service Administration and Hospitals, Maternity and Children's Hospital, Najran, Saudi Arabia ز
4. Health Administration and Community Health, Maternity and Children's Hospital, Najran, Saudi Arabia
5. Public Health, Primary Health Care of Yadamah, Najran, Saudi Arabia


