Enhancing Medication Safety through the Implementation of a Double Check System : Strategies, Benefits and Challenges


  • Mohammed Saleh Mohammed Alsaloom (1)*, Hussain Ali Hussain Alsaloom (1), Hussain Askar Mohammed Alsaloom (1), Mohammed Mana Mahdi Bani Humayyim (1), Mesfer Jaber Salem Lasloum (1), Duleem Naseer Mohammed Lsloom (1), Abdul Rahman Askar Muhammad Lasloum (1)


Medical Errors, Intervention, Efficacy, Reporting, Medications, Pharmacy



Medication errors pose significant risks within healthcare settings, necessitating the implementation of effective mitigation strategies. Among these, the double-check system has emerged as a vital approach to enhance medication safety. This paper introduces the concept of medication errors, underscoring their prevalence and the critical need for robust prevention methods. It further elaborates on the rationale for adopting a double-check system, setting the stage for a detailed discussion on its components, benefits, challenges, and strategies for successful implementation. Seminal works and contemporary literature are referenced to provide a comprehensive backdrop to the study.


This review employs a comprehensive literature review, analyzing academic databases and seminal works to understand the multifaceted nature of medication errors and the efficacy of double-check systems in mitigating these errors. The methodology encompasses the identification of components, the examination of implementation challenges and benefits, and the evaluation of strategies for effective adoption of double-check systems in healthcare settings.


Findings reveal that medication errors stem from various factors, significantly impacting patient safety. The implementation of a double-check system, characterized by clear roles, standardized procedures, and technological integration, offers an additional layer of verification, thus enhancing safety. Despite challenges such as resistance and time constraints, benefits including improved safety, accountability, and adherence to safety standards are evident. Successful implementation strategies involve leadership support, staff engagement, workflow integration, and continuous evaluation.


The adoption of a double-check system presents a viable solution to reducing medication errors in healthcare settings. Despite inherent challenges, strategic approaches encompassing leadership involvement, procedural standardization, and technological advancements can optimize medication safety outcomes. Future directions should focus on technological innovation, interdisciplinary collaboration, and patient engagement to further bolster the safety and efficacy of medication administration practices.

Author Biography

Mohammed Saleh Mohammed Alsaloom (1)*, Hussain Ali Hussain Alsaloom (1), Hussain Askar Mohammed Alsaloom (1), Mohammed Mana Mahdi Bani Humayyim (1), Mesfer Jaber Salem Lasloum (1), Duleem Naseer Mohammed Lsloom (1), Abdul Rahman Askar Muhammad Lasloum (1)

(1) Pharmacist - Hubona General Hospital, Najran - Hubona


